05 februarie 2007

Forum Spiru Haret

Forum Spiru Haret, foarte util in special pentru cei de la I.D.

03 ianuarie 2007


Un an nou fericit !

09 noiembrie 2006

Hamlet (W.Shakespeare) - Rezumat


The action takes place in Denmark around year 1200. The queen becomes a widow after the king Hamlet’s death.Two month later she gets married.Her husband is the king Hamlet’s brother,Claudius.But the young Hamlet is deeply sad and he wears all the time black clothes.He is very suspicious about his father’s death and he thinks his step father is the murder because he spoke to his dead father’s ghost.

The ghost told him that the king wants revenge.Hamlet is very confused, almost gets mad.He is afraid of that his step father could watch him and Hamlet pretends to be mad so that nobody should be surprised at what he does or says.

Polonius,Ophelia’s father is told to watch Hamlet.But when a group actors come to Elsinore Hamlet thinks of a trick the actors will perform a play where his father is killed by Claudius.When Ophelia hears his idea is convinced that Hamlet is really mad.Claudius agrees the performance and the play begins.During the performance the king is not calm.Hamlet watches Claudius reaction and the play is interrupted by Claudius leaving.The queen is upset and calls for Hamlet .In her room Polonius hides himself behind a curtain.When Hamlet comes in,he thinks that the king is hidden behind that curtain and he stabs Polonius instead of the king Claudius. Ophelia is so disturbed so that she drowns her self in a river .Her brother wants to revenge his sister’s death.Meanwhile,Hamlet is send by the king to England but he succeeds to come back and Claudius arranges that a cup of pinset wine should be drinken by Hamlet and also a duel between his step son and Leartes poisoning the rapier.The queen drinks from the wine and she dies.Hamlet is wounded and poisoned exchanges the weapons with Laertes and stabs the king who dies,too.

So the king Hamlet is revenged. The last wish of Hamlet is that Fortinbras should became the king of Denmort.

27 octombrie 2006

Structura Anului Universitar 2005-2006

Semestrul I

03.10.2005 - 16.12.2005 - activitate didactica
19.12.2005 - 02.01.2006 - vacanta
03.01.2006 - 20.01.2006 - activitate didactica
21.01.2006 - 12.02.2006 - sesiunea de examene de iarna
13.02.2006 - 19.02.2006 - vacanta

Semestrul II

20.02.2006 - 14.04.2006 - activitate didactica
17.04.2006 - 24.04.2006 - vacanta
25.04.2006 - 02.06.2006 - activitate didactica
03.06.2006 - 02.07.2006 - sesiunea de examene de vara
03.07.2006 - 17.07.2006 - vacanta de vara

28.07.2006 - 17.09.2006 - sesiunea de examene de toamna

23 octombrie 2006

Bine ati venit

Ma numesc Niscoveanu Andrei si sunt student la Facultatea de Limbi si Literaturi Straine din cadrul Universitatii Spiru Haret. Acest blog va tine loc de caietele mele de notite. Puteti impartasi aceste notite, si chiar puteti sa comentati sau sa le adaugati pe ale voastre.

Numai bine.